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Why Should You Use Instagram for Your Business

Even though digital marketers are masters in search engine optimization (SEO), they employ very little SEO on social media platforms! But by not having your Instagram profile optimized, there is a possibility you can lose potential traffic and followers. Using Instagram SEO can effectively overcome these problems and help generate revenue. Instagram SEO refers to a set of guidelines to follow to optimize your content and improve the visibility of your Instagram profile in search results.

Learn the ways to improve your SEO to gain more followers!

Optimizing your profile:

Having your profile optimized can help the right users discover your account and explore your business, as Instagram profiles are very similar to a directory listing in the database. So including relevant keywords in your profile name and bio would work. Also, selecting the perfect profile picture will help.

Adding keywords in captions:

Each content you generate should include relevant keywords as part of your SEO strategy. Because Instagram’s search feature looks for topics and interests, including primary and secondary keywords in your posts for hashtags and general searches becomes even more vital.

Including GEO tags:

Instagram works similarly to Google, fetching search results from the nearest locations. Therefore, adding geographical locations by using geotags in your post can help your followers narrow down locations. It even works better if you are more specific about your location.

Making use of videos:

One of the best features of Instagram is that video content is very well appreciated in the form of IG stories, IGTVs, and reels. All these forms of promoting your videos are very easy to scroll and share. Therefore, having video content about your business can help get more likes and followers!

About The Author

Dave Thompson works at, a White Label Software + Services provider for online marketing agencies.
