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Google has removed the sitelinks demotion feature from Google search console. They recently announced on Google+(Yeah, it’s still alive) that they are taking off the 9-year-old feature in order to “Simplify things”. Google removing the sitelink demotion feature present in Google Webmaster tools is inevitable. They did it because it's unnecessary in today's age of advanced technological interpretation of data.…

Google recently took some time out and clarified a few things through its official blog post with regards to queries and controversies surrounding its autocomplete algorithm searches. According to Google, it has received a number of queries from users wanting to know exactly how the autocomplete algorithm functions. Google’s autocomplete algorithm basically filters out search information related to a person’s…

It’s been over a year since Twitter started testing carousel ads to support multiple app install ads on the platform. But now it seems like the company's experimenting with a carousels ads format that incorporates normal tweets from users. Unlike Google’s, Facebook's and Instagram's carousel ad format, Twitter's new carousel ad format comprises of an array of tweets that include…

During the recently concluded I/O developer conference, Google revealed that it's long search handle conducts trillions of searches every year. The last time Google made its search volume figures public, was three years ago when it reported around 1.2 trillion searches in 2012. Without revealing the exact number of search volume, Google mentioned that they're conducting around trillions of searches…

Now, it's no longer a tedious and cumbersome task to track the combined visibility of multiple online properties such as the mobile site, desktop site and the mobile app. The reason being, Google recently introduced a new feature called property sets that enables you to group multiple Google properties (including both apps and sites) to get a collective insight of…

Tracking conversion goals and creating remarketing lists on Bing's Ads platform has just become a tad bit easier for marketers. The reason being, Bing's recently launched a Universal Event Tracking Tag Helper which will help marketers implement their UET Tags properly on Bing Ads. Marketers can make use of UET Tag Helper services through a chrome browser extension. Typically, marketers…
