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Alphabet's market cap recently took over Apple's, with Google’s parent company gaining about $498.56 billion revenue as compared to Apple's $496.69 billion revenue share. According to Kantar's latest report, Android operating system is expected to make in-roads in international markets; especially since a lot of existing Windows users and some Apple users are considering switching to Android. According to Kantar…

Over the past few months, Facebook owned WhatsApp reportedly went on to add a lot of new features, including end-to-end encryption of messages and file sharing support on its platform. According to latest reports, the popular instant messaging service may add some more features to its existing array of services. According to latest reports by Android Police, the instant messaging…

We have met many app entrepreneurs who made it big in the app world without spending a single penny on advertising. Some are growing with decent speed, while some have managed to enter the million dollar game without spending on advertising. While some employed social media, some made use of press publicity. Many recruited customers manually, while others won the…

As an app publisher, one of your biggest concerns is to make your app stand out from the crowd. Currently, there are more than 1.5 million apps in the App Store & 1.6 million apps in Google Play Store. So how will your app stand out? Nowadays, building a great product doesn’t guarantee success. Maybe your app is offering exceptional…

As per Google's monogamous approach, it always gives first preference to its array of services and then it serves its competitors. So whenever there's a new app being launched or an update is introduced, it always first comes out through its platform and then it follows the suit with others. That is the reason why iOS users are now seeing…

Yahoo's online research arm, Flurry came out with the year's top holiday mobile stats. These stats show one of the premium smartphone manufacturers i.e. Apple Inc. topping the device table but slipping down a bit from its previous year's outing. Apple Mobiles, which managed about half of all the device activations over 2015 holiday season, was followed by the South…

“I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” These words by the legendary Hollywood Actress Marilyn Monroe truly epitomizes Google's monogamous attitude in the recent past.
