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Important Element Of Your Website Strategy

This chapter puts light upon 9 features that are essential for the progress of every SEO.   SEO's don't just bounce out of any corner with a spring in their step. Their progress is due to years of experience that is built up by the wealth of knowledge. But some do feel as though they're backed by the element of luck, and not just knowledge. Doing so certainly doesn't help us in anyway. Hence, learning is important in every progressive step. So, we'll showcase the first 9 areas of knowledge that are to be mastered in order to drive upon the path to success.

  As an SEO, you lay special emphasis mostly on optimizing your website's Homepage, Landing Page, Social Media Profiles and so on. But in doing so, you tend to neglect the other informational pages such as the FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions) Page. In fact, these pages should further be optimized after reviewing your target audience's onsite experience.

  They may be college students, employees or other businessmen just like you. Out of 7 days in a week, 80% of the time they find themselves out of residential premises. This scenario leads to an excessive use of mobile phones. Not only that, leave aside this plot and open your bedroom. Doing so, you'd find your family member on the bed with his favourite device, the cell phone. Here, we conclude by pointing out the importance and extent of mobile phone usage which clearly shows the need for SEO enhancement in this field. Further research show that most of the users today touch through search engines instead of directly visiting a website, and those users are seen making purchases beyond a staggering 93% mark.

Google recently made some significant changes to the local search results display by reducing the 7 pack display to 3 pack. This sudden change affected several local businesses which makes it tougher for the local businesses to feature in the local search rankings. And the fact that around 73 percent of all online activity happening in the local search area, this makes it all the more important for SME's to concentrate more on local search optimization.

It’s easy to get carried away with the high national search ranking that your website may be attracting presently but that seems half the work done if you haven’t considered to optimize it locally. But if your company's budget is neglecting these low conversion areas then you are missing a trick or too. This can be a crucial SEO strategy especially after Google's Pigeon update, which negatively hit the local ranking of some of the enterprise companies. So if you are currently feeling left out as far as the local SERP's are concerned then you may need to overhaul your present strategy.
